KEY WORD : architecture / general term / aristocratic dwellings / tea housess / folk dwellings

  A type of shelf, sometimes with a rack, of which there are many ordinary household shelves kinds such as cupboards or cabinets todana 戸棚, tea shelves chadana 茶棚, book shelves hondana 本棚 or shodana 書棚, and account bookshelves for home bookeeping choudana 帳棚. Some are built-in others removable.

 In the shoin style *shoin-zukuri 書院造, shelving is ornamental *kazaridana 飾棚 and placed in the space adjacent to the alcove *tokonoma 床の間. There are many styles and combinations of shelves arranged for their elegant effect. The best known are the staggered shelves *chigaidana 違い棚. The generic term for shelves with sliding doors is *fukurodana 袋棚. Those attached to the ceiling are tenbukuro 天袋; those along floor level are *jibukuro 地袋.

 In tea ceremony houses *chashitsu 茶室 hanging shelves *tsuridana 釣棚 are common. There are single, double and triple hanging shelves, *ichijuudana 一重棚, *nijuudana 二重棚, *sanjuudana 三重棚, temporary shelves in the tea ceremony house kitchen *mizuya 水屋, corner shelves sumidana 隅棚, heart-shaped shelves etc. The most typical are those which hang close to the tea master's seat temaeza 点前座. These are hung near the host's entrance and mat, beside the sleeve wall *sodekabe 袖壁 and close to the middle post *nakabashira 中柱, especially when the firebox is cut on the guest's mat. See *daimegiri 台目切.

 From the Heian period to the Muromachi period shelves extending out from shops in order to display merchandise were made in front of merchants' houses. Illustrations of such shelving can be found in the UTSUBO MONOGATARI 宇津保物語 (ca. 10c.) and in the earliest diary TOSA NIKKI 土佐日記 (930) written only in kana かな. In the medieval periods (ca. 13-16C) houses with shop shelves used the character *mise 店, and these shops were referred to as misemimono 店見物 meaning shops where their merchandise could be seen.

 In shrine architecture, a small structure where the usual steps are replaced by a shelf. See *misedana-zukuri 見世棚.

6 Boards erected on scaffolding for workmen are also called tana.


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