souteigakoi 宗貞囲
KEY WORD : architecture / tea houses
Also called soutei zashiki 宗貞座敷. A 3-mat tea ceremony room *chashitsu 茶室 with a small alcove *daimedoko 台目床 that was favored by Sasaya Soutei 笹屋宗貞 (17c). Sasaya Soutei's tastes were influenced by his teacher, Fujimura Youken 藤村庸軒, who is said to have created the Yodomi-no-seki 澱看席 (1685-86) at Kinkaikoumyouji Saiouin 金戒光明寺西翁院 (1584)in Kyoto. Originally, there was no alcove. In general, the souteigakoi style resembles the *douangakoi 道安囲 but there are some differences. The middle post *nakabashira 中柱 in the souteigakoi terminates the enclosure wall kakoikabe 囲壁, but does not extend above the wall as it does in the douangakoi style. Therefore, the lintel running along the top of the wall continues across the entire room, and the room is completely open above it. Another difference is that although one corner of the firebox *ro 炉 is located at the base of the middle post, it is in the *mukougiri 向切 style, that is set within the host's mat *temaedatami 点前畳. The host's entrance *katteguchi 勝手口 has small posts on either side and there is no special service entrance.

a) kakoikabe 囲壁 b) *temaedatami 点前畳 c) *nakabashira 中柱 d) *ro
Yodomi-no-seki 澱看席

a) kakoikabe 囲壁 b) *temaedatami 点前畳 c) *nakabashira 中柱
d) *ro 炉 e) *ko-ita 小板 f) nakabusuma 中襖 g) *sadouguchi 茶道口
*toko 床 i) *nijiriguchi 躙口


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