Shared Growth Seminar

  • SGRA Sustainable Shared Growth Seminar 33 Report

    SGRA Sustainable Shared Growth Seminar 33 Report The Philippine Construction Industry and Directly Unproductive Extra Costs Posted: October 2022 In collaboration with College of Public Affairs and Development of the University of the Philippines Los Baños Seminar Report (Lite Version) Seminar Report (HD Version)    
  • SGRA Sustainable Shared Growth Seminar 32 Report

    Rural Organizations Posted: March 2022 In collaboration with College of Public Affairs and Development of the University of the Philippines Los Baños Seminar Report (Lite Version) Seminar Report (HD Version)  
  • SGRA Sustainable Shared Growth Seminar 31 Report

      REAL PROPERTY VALUATION AND ASSESSMENT REFORM Posting Month/Year: February 2022 In collaboration with College of Public Affairs and Development of the University of the Philippines Los Baños Seminar Report (Lite Version) Seminar Report (HD Version)
  • SGRA Sustainable Shared Growth Seminar 30 Report

    SGRA Sustainable Shared Growth Seminar 30 Report Linking Fiscal Decentralization with Vertical and Horizontal Gaps Posted: January 23, 2022 In collaboration with College of Public Affairs and Development of the University of the Philippines Los Baños Seminar Report (Lite Version) Seminar Report (HD Version)
  • SGRA Sustainable Shared Growth Seminar 29 Report

    SGRA Sustainable Shared Growth Seminar 29 ReportIn Search of Community CurrenciesPosted: October 21, 2021In collaboration with College of Public Affairs and Development of the University of the Philippines Los BañosSeminar Report (Lite Version)Seminar Report (HD Version)
  • SGRA Sustainable Shared Growth Seminar 28 Report

    SGRA Sustainable Shared Growth Seminar 28 ReportTowards Sustainable Shared Growth Policy BriefsMay 31, 2021In collaboration with College of Public Affairs and Development of the University of the Philippines Los BañosSeminar Report (Lite Version) Seminar Report (HD Version)
  • Sustainable Shared Growth Policy Brief 2

    Sustainable Shared Growth Policy Brief #2COMMUNITY CURRENCY IN A DISASTER: 3.11 TWICE REMEMBERED by Max Maquito and Joffre BalceApril 20, 2020Summary. The Policy Brief’s aim is to glean lessons from the March 2011 tsunami disaster that struck Japan that are relevant to the current pandemic. Buttressing the extensive hard infrastructure was the soft infrastructure embodied in the social capital of Japanese communities which contributed to the simultaneous diminished vulnerability and improved resiliency of these communities. This paper further focuses on community currencies as a policy instrument whose functions are to enhance social capital and hasten the movement of money, thereby contributing to reducing vulnerability and enhancing resiliency of communities.Policy Brief 
  • Sustainable Shared Growth Policy Brief 1

    Sustainable Shared Growth Policy Brief #1“DISASTER VULNERABILITY AND RESILIENCY: SUSTAINABLE SHARED GROWTH PRINCIPLES FROM A  TIME - SPACE - UNIVERSE CONTINUUM“ by Max Maquito and Joffre BalceApril 2, 2020Summary Unshared growth, i.e., growth without improvement in the distribution or income or wealth, makes us more vulnerable and less resilient towards natural disasters. It is of prime importance, therefore, that we build a society that leverages the principles of sustainable shared growth so that our policies span across generations and national boundaries, flatten the Kuznets curve of inequality, and further promote decentralization. It will call for innovative and even experimental approaches tempered not by a capricious obsession with theory but glimpses of success in history that can be used as components of an alternative universe. In such an alternative universe, we are likely to be spared the enormous hardships that we are now experiencing as our nation, nay, the world struggles to unite in its fight against an insidious and deadly enemy.Policy Brief 
  • SGRA Sustainable Shared Growth Seminar 27 Report

    SGRA Sustainable Shared Growth Seminar 27 ReportLand Value Tax: A Mechanism for Decentralisation?November 16, 2019College of Public Affairs and DevelopmentUniversity of the Philippines Los BañosSeminar Report
  • SGRA Sustainable Shared Growth Seminar 26 Report

    SGRA Sustainable Shared Growth Seminar 26 Report Community Currencies (Part 2)October 19, 2018University of Tokyo (Komaba Campus)Seminar ReportSeminar #26 continues from Seminar #25, and reports on SGRA-related activities since then.