KEY WORD :@architecture / general terms
Lit. ceiling. A ceiling, made of cypress boughs erected over seats according to the ENGISHIKI ‰„ŠìŽ® and Yuki-in —IŠî‰@. There are two basic types of ceilings, tenjou. There are the two basic types that close off the upper part a room, hall, etc. from an upper story with its framework on the underside of the roof. The other an open beam ceiling, yaneura tenjou ‰®ª— “Vˆä, that is opened completely to the underside of the roof. Ancient ceilings are believed to have been constructed with bamboo poles or stripped branches placed in a grid pattern with woven straw mats laid on top. Some believe that this arrangement was the forerunner of the widely used coffered ceiling, *goutenjou Ši“Vˆä. See: *kumiire tenjou ‘g“ü“Vˆä, *oriage tenjou Üã“Vˆä, *kiriage tenjou Øã“Vˆä, *saobuchi tenjou ŠÆ‰“Vˆä, *kagamitenjou ‹¾“Vˆä, *funazoko tenjou M’ê“Vˆä.
Ceilings may also be classified according to the material used. See: *ajiro –Ô‘ã, *gamamushiro tenjou Š—äì“Vˆä, *kakekomi tenjou Š|ž“Vˆä, kamibari tenjou Ž†“\“Vˆä, tsuchinuri tenjou “y“h“Vˆä. They may also be classified by location.

*nokitenjou Œ¬“Vˆä.

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