origami 折紙
KEY WORD : art history / paintings
Lit. folded paper.

1 An appraisal of an artwork written on paper usually folded in half and placed in the storage box with the art work. Also kantei origami 鑑定折紙. See *kiwamegaki 極書.

2 Fine quality paper, such as *housho 奉書, *torinokogami 鳥の子紙, or *danshi 檀紙, folded in half and used for formal writing. Although origami in the 12-13c (Heian period) was used for catalogues and lists of names, from roughly the 16c on, it was frequently used for official letters. In the 17-19c (Edo period), origami was used as stationery for a variety of purposes such as a letters to accompany gifts (shinmotsu origami 進物折紙), official communications (kouyou origami 公用折紙), appraisals of artwork (see (1)), and records of names (myouji origami 名字折紙).

3 The paper craft of making various shapes, such as cranes or boats, by folding colored, square paper. Although known since the Heian period, folded paper craft, allowing no cutting dates from the Muromachi period. By the Taishou period it was established as the popular passtime it remains today.

*tatou 畳紙, *ryoushi 料紙, *irogami 色紙

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