mitatemono chouzubachi@Œ©—§•¨è…”«
KEY WORD :@architecture / gardens
Lit. re-used-object water basins. A type of water basin *chouzubachi è…”« made from a stone which previously had served a different function. Typically parts from old stone pagodas *sekitou Γƒ, temple foundation stones garanseki ‰¾—•Î or stone bridges are used. Also called riyoumono chouzubachi —˜—p•¨è…”« (functional object water basins), they are used for both *tsukubai çLæõ and *hachimae-no-ishigumi ”«‘O‚ÌΑg. Common mitatemono chouzubachi types include the *kesagata chouzubachi ŒU¾Œ`è…”« (surplice shape water basins) which uses the central part of a treasure pagoda *houtou •ó“ƒ; water basins like wakutamagata —N‹ÊŒ` made from a section of five-ring pagoda *gorintou ŒÜ—Ö“ƒ; the umegae ”~‚ª} (plum branch) from the lid of an old tomb, the kasagata Š}Œ` (umbrella shape) made from stone of a stone pagoda, and the *shihoubutsu chouzubachi l•û•§è…”«. Mitatemono chouzubachi are contrasted with natural stone water basins *shizenseki chouzubachi ©‘RÎè…”« .


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