bunjin hyougu 文人表具
KEY WORD : art history / paintings
A class of mounting for hanging scrolls *kakemono 掛物, that was originally transmitted from China, with the other class being referred to as *yamato hyougu 大和表具. Types of bunjin hyougu include *fukurohyougu 袋表具, *mikiri hyougu 見切表具, *minchou shitate 明朝仕立, and chuugoku hyougu 中国表具. The bunjin hyougu appeared in Japan as a result of the interest in Ming and Qing painting during the Edo period. A typical mounting consists of the major elements of honshi 本紙 (the area of the painting or calligraphy itself), *ichimonji 一文字, and *chuuberi 中縁, with a special characteristic being the presence of a single section of cloth or paper that entirely surrounds the honshi . Types of bunjin hyougu also can have minchou, an edging or border attached to the outside edges of the right and left vertical strips, hashira 柱 or heri 縁, of the mounting.


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