funazoko tenjou@M’ê“Vˆä
KEY WORD :@architecture / general terms
Also called *yakata tenjou ‰®Œ`“Vˆä, an upside down houseboat-shaped ceiling. A ceiling *tenjou “Vˆä, shaped like the inside of the bottom of a simple boat as viewed in cross section. The smooth ceiling boards run lengthwise, parallel to the ridge *munagi “–Ø, of the building. The sides of the ceiling form a sloping curve from the peak to the supporting tie beams *moyageta •ê‰®Œ…. The oldest extant ceiling of this type is found in the Hondou –{“° (also called Oujou Gokuraku-in ‰¶‹ÉŠy‰@ ; 1148) at Sanzen-in ŽOç‰@, 7.91m~9.13m; Kyoto. This funazoko tenjou covers only the core area *moya •ê‰®, beneath which is the dais on which are Amida nyoraizou ˆ¢–í‘É”@—ˆ‘œ (4.9m high) and two smaller Bosatsuzou •ìŽF‘œ kneeling in Japanese fashion. The ceiling is raised approximately 4.5cm above the exposed rafters *keshou daruki ‰»Ï‚–Ø, which form the ceiling over the aisles *hisashi ›ù. Paintings of heavenly beings, tennin “Vl, adorn the ceiling. Although the exposed underside of a gable roof may have a similar shape, it is never called a funazoko ceiling.


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