Paper Format Guide

English Version

Japanese Version
The 7th Asia Future Conference (AFC#7) invites proposals for papers and short papers in line with the following guidelines.


The overall theme for the conference is:

Revitalization And Reconnection

In the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic, Asia and the world have entered a period of tremendous change. How do we face and overcome such diverse societal, economic, cultural, and educational changes? There is a need to examine the revitalization not only of Asia but of the world, and to do so from varied perspectives. We hope that this space for scholars and researchers from across disciplines and across the globe to reconnect and join in discussion will itself become a source of “revitalization” for Asia and the world, and that we can work together to find solutions.

We welcome proposals for full papers and short papers related to the following topics in order to encourage interdisciplinary discussions at AFC#7. From the following list, you will be asked to choose three topics that most relate to your research. Parallel sessions will be arranged based on the themes you choose.

Session Themes Topics
Natural Sciences Innovation / Automation Robotics / Climate Change and Disaster Management / Environment and Energy / Bioengineering Food and Water / Health / and other topics related to the Natural Sciences
Social Sciences Globalization / Peace / Area Studies / Social Development and Human Security Management / Human Resource Development Income and/or Wealth Gap / Aging Society / and other topics related to the Social Sciences
Humanities Philosophy / Religion / History / Ethics / Literature / Linguistics / Language Education / Arts / Media / Culture / and other topics related to the Humanities


The official languages of AFC#7 are English and Japanese. Select the language of your oral presentation when you register. Abstracts in English must be no more than 250 words. If your oral presentation is in Japanese, please submit your abstract both in English (250 words) and Japanese (600 characters). You do not need to submit an English version of your full paper or short paper if your oral presentation is in Japanese.

Paper submission and presentation

The AFC aims to provide a platform for researchers and scholars who have studied in Japan or who are interested in Japan to meet and discuss the future of Asia. The AFC is an international and interdisciplinary conference and encourages diverse approaches to global issues in order to promote lively discussions. The AFC is not a conference for a specific field of study. Try to make your presentation comprehensible to a general public.

Papers that are already published are also welcome, but please indicate this in your abstracts and papers. They are NOT, however, eligible for the selection of AFC Scholarships and Best Papers.

1.Short Paper (2-3 pages)

To facilitate lively, international, and interdisciplinary discussions at the conference, we ask you to submit a short paper (2-3 pages) online that describes the contents of your oral presentation. Your presentation handouts (e.g. summary and PowerPoint slides) can be accepted in lieu of a short paper.

The deadline for online submissions of abstracts is February 29, 2024. Upon acceptance, the deadline for online submissions (uploading of PDF files) of short papers is May 31, 2024. We will consider it as a retraction of your presentation if we do not receive your short paper by the deadline. Short papers are not eligible for the AFC Scholarship and Best Paper Awards.

2.Full Paper(between 5 to 10 pages)

*Punctual submissions are eligible for the AFC Scholarship and Best Paper Awards

AFC encourages research with an international and interdisciplinary approach and provides an opportunity to further enhance such research. Even though your work may not yet be complete, we encourage you to submit work-in-progress in order to improve it.

If you are applying for the AFC Scholarship and/or Best Paper Awards, the deadline for online submission of abstracts is September 20, 2023. Upon acceptance, you can apply for AFC Scholarships. The scholarship announcement is included in the notice of acceptance. The selection results will be released before January 20, 2024. The deadline for online submissions (uploading of PDF files) of the full papers is March 31, 2024.

The AFC Academic Committee will also select 20 Best Papers. Awards are given to the Best Paper authors at the conference (awardees must attend Award Ceremony in person), and the Best Papers will be included in the edited volume “Toward the Future of Asia: My Proposal Vol. 7” to be published after the conference. Already published papers and those that have been awarded an AFC Best Paper Award in the past are not eligible.

If you do not apply for the AFC Scholarship and Best Paper Awards, the deadline for online submission of abstracts is February 29, 2024. Upon acceptance, the deadline for online submissions (uploading of PDF files) of the full papers is May 31, 2024.

Assignment of Parallel Sessions

Parallel Sessions will be held on August 11, 2024 at Chulalongkorn University (Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Building). The schedule for parallel sessions will be announced on the AFC Online System by July 25, 2024.

1. General Session (Sessions arranged by AFC Organizing Committee)

Except for presentations arranged by groups (see below), all the full papers and short papers that are submitted online by May 31, 2024 will be grouped according to the language of oral presentations (English or Japanese). Sessions will then be assigned according to the topics (see above) that you choose when you submit your paper online.
Online presentations will also be grouped according to the topics in the General Session.

2. Group Session (Sessions arranged by groups of presenters.)

If you want to arrange a session by yourself, you may organize a group session consisting of between 3 to 5 presenters, 1 or 2 discussants, with 1 or 2 session chairs. Please provide the following information via email to the AFC Secretariat ( [email protected] ) before February 29, 2024.

(1) Title and abstract of your session (if your oral presentation is in Japanese, include both in Japanese and English).

(2) Name and AFC User Registration Numbers (4 digits) and Submission Numbers (3 digits) of all the presenters, discussants, and chairs.

(3) Language of your (session) presentation.

Submission Details

1. Register for a user account on the AFC#7 website. Upon registration, you can use your ID and password to repeatedly access and make any changes to account details. When you register, you will find the User Registration Number (4 digits) in the Online System. Please be sure to include this number when you contact the AFC Secretariat. If you have participated and registered in the previous AFCs (e.g. AFC#5 in the Philippines), you may use the same ID and password. In this case, please do not forget to update your information.

2. Submit your paper abstracts through your personal page on the AFC website:
Submission period for abstracts:

[A] From May 1 to September 20, 2023: Abstracts of full papers to apply for AFC Scholarship and Best Paper Awards.

[B] From May 1, 2023 to February 29, 2024: Abstracts of short papers and full papers that are NOT eligible for AFC Scholarship and Best Paper Awards.

Language for abstracts: English (250 Words). If your oral presentation will be in Japanese, submit in both English (250 Words) and Japanese (600 characters).

3. The AFC Academic Committee will screen the abstracts that are received between May 1 and September 20, 2023 and the results will be sent by email before October 31, 2023. Acceptance of your abstract means acceptance of your oral presentation at the conference.

4. [AFC Scholarship] Abstracts of full papers submitted by September 20, 2023 and accepted by October 31, 2023 will be eligible for the AFC Scholarships. The application form will be included in the notification of the acceptance. All applicants will be notified of the selection results before January 20, 2024.

  • Papers that have already been published are not eligible.

5. [Best Paper Award] On the premise that abstracts have been submitted by September 20, 2023, and accepted by October 31, 2023, full papers (at least 5 A4-size pages, at most 10 pages) submitted by March 31, 2024 will be screened for the Best Paper Award. Upon notification of acceptance of your abstract, submit (upload PDF files) your full paper through your personal page on the AFC#7 website.

  • Oral presentation of the paper and attendance during the Awards and Closing Ceremony is required for Best Paper awardees.
  • Papers that have already been published are not eligible.
  • Those who have been awarded AFC Best Paper Awards in the past are not eligible.

6. Upon notification of acceptance of the abstract, submit (upload PDF files) your full paper, short paper (or presentation handouts) through your personal page on the AFC#7 website by March 31, 2024 (if applying for AFC Scholarship or Best Paper Awards) or by May 31, 2024 (if not applying/not eligible for AFC scholarship or Best Paper Awards). We will consider it as a retraction of your presentation if we do not receive your submission by the deadline.

7. The results of the Best Paper selection by our Academic Committee will be announced by June 10, 2024. The schedule of parallel sessions will be announced on the AFC Online System by July 25, 2024.

Schedule of Submission and Registration as a Participant

【Schedule A】Eligible for AFC Scholarships and Best Paper Awards: Full Papers ONLY

May 1, 2023 Call for abstracts (English presentations: abstract only in English. Japanese presentations: abstract in Japanese AND English)
September 20, 2023 Deadline for abstracts submissions via AFC online system (for AFC Scholarships and Best Paper Awards)
October 31, 2023 Announcement of screening results of abstracts (announcement includes the application guide for AFC scholarship)
January 20, 2024 Announcement of screening results for AFC Scholarships
February 1, 2024 Registration as participant (Early bird 20% discount on registration fee until April 10)
March 31, 2024 Deadline for online submission (uploads of PDF files) of full papers for Best Paper Awards
June 10, 2024 Announcement of screening results for Best Papers
June 20, 2024 Deadline for registration as participant
July 25, 2024 Announcement of the schedule of parallel sessions
August 11, 2024 Oral presentation and awarding ceremony at the Closing Party in AFC#7

【Schedule B】General Submission of Short Papers and Full Papers (NOT eligible for Scholarships and Best Paper Awards)

May 1, 2023 Call for abstracts (English presentations: abstract only in English. Japanese presentations: abstract in Japanese AND English)
February 1, 2024 Registration as participant (Early bird 20% discount on registration fee until April 10)
February 29, 2024 Deadline for abstract submissions of full papers (not related to scholarships or awards) and short papers via AFC online system
March 31, 2024 Announcement of screening results of abstracts
May 31, 2024 Deadline for online submission (uploads of PDF files) of full papers (not related to scholarships or awards) and short papers via AFC online system
June 20, 2024 Deadline for registration as participant
July 25, 2024 Announcement of the Schedule for Parallel Sessions
August 11, 2024 Oral presentation in AFC#7


Please check the FAQ ( first, and if you have further inquiries, contact the AFC Secretariat by email [email protected]. Please indicate your AFC User registration number (4 digits) when you make an inquiry.









セッションのテーマ トピック
自然科学 イノベーション/オートメーション・ロボティクス/気候変動・防災/環境・エネルギー/バイオエンジニアリング 食品・水/健康/その他自然科学に関連するテーマ
社会科学 グローバル化/平和/地域研究/社会開発・人間の安全保障マネジメント/人材育成 所得格差・貧富の格差/高齢化社会/その他社会科学に関連するテーマ
人文科学 哲学/宗教/歴史/倫理/文学/言語学/言語教育/芸術/メディア/文化/その他人文科学に関連するもの






1. 小論文 short paper(2~3ページ)



2. 論文 full paper(5〜10ページ)







分科会は、2024年8月11日(日)にバンコク市のチュラーロンコーン大学(Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Building)で開催します。分科会セッションのスケジュールは、2024年7月25日までにAFCホームページに発表します。

1. 個人投稿:アジア未来会議実行委員会が割り当てる


2. グループセッション:グループで自分たちのセッションを作る

ご自身でセッションを作る場合は、発表者3~5名、討論者1~2名、座長1~2名で構成するグループセッションを企画してください。2024年2月29日までに、下記の情報をEメールでAFC事務局( [email protected] )までお知らせください。

(1)  セッションのタイトルと発表要旨(口頭発表が日本語の場合は、日本語と英語の両方を記載すること)。

(2)  発表者、討論者、座長全員の氏名とAFCユーザー登録番号(4桁)、投稿番号(3桁)。

(3) 発表言語。


1. AFC#7 ウェブサイトでユーザーアカウントを登録してください。登録すると、IDとパスワードを使用して、アカウント詳細へのアクセスや変更を繰り返し行うことができます。登録すると、オンラインシステムにユーザー登録番号(4桁)が表示されます。AFC事務局へのお問い合わせの際には、必ずこの番号をご記入ください。過去に開催されたアジア未来会議(例:AFC#5 in フィリピン)に参加・登録された方は、同じID・パスワードを使用することができます。その場合は、忘れずにユーザー情報の更新をお願いします。

2. AFC#7 ウェブサイトのマイページより、発表要旨のオンライン提出をお願いします。

3. 発表要旨提出期間


[B]2023年5月1日から2024年2月29日まで: AFC奨学金および優秀論文賞の対象外である小論文および論文の要旨。


3. 2023年5月1日~9月20日に受領した発表要旨をAFC学術委員会で審査し、2023年10月31日までに結果を電子メールで送付します。要旨が採択されたら、会議で口頭発表をお願いします。

4. [AFC奨学金]2023年9月20日までに提出され、2023年10月31日までに受理された論文要旨は、AFC奨学金の対象となります。応募要項は、採択通知に含まれています。選考結果は、2024年1月20日までに応募者全員に通知します。尚、すでに発表された論文は選考の対象外となります。

5. [最優秀論文賞]2023年9月20日までに要旨を提出し、2023年10月31日までに受理されたことを前提に、2024年3月31日までに提出された論文論文(A4サイズ5枚以上、10枚以内)を最優秀論文賞の選考対象とします。発表要旨が採択されたら、AFC#7ウェブサイトの個人ページよ論文を提出(PDFファイルをアップロード)してください。

  • 最優秀論文賞受賞は、会場における論文の口頭発表と表彰式への出席が条件となります。
  • すでに発表された論文は対象外です。
  • 過去にAFC優秀論文賞を受賞された方は対象外です。

6. 発表要旨が受理されたら、2024年3月31日(AFC奨学金、優秀論文賞に応募する場合)または2024年5月31日(AFC奨学金、優秀論文賞に応募しない場合/対象外の場合)までにAFC#7ウェブサイトのマイページより論文、小論文(または発表資料)を提出(PDFファイルアップロード)してください。期限までに提出がない場合は、発表の辞退とみなします。

7. 当学術委員会による優秀論文の選考結果は、2024年6月10日までに発表する予定です。分科会セッションのスケジュールは、2024年7月25日までにAFCオンラインシステムで発表します。


【A日程】 AFC奨学金および優秀論文賞の対象者です: 論文のみ

2023年5月1日 発表要旨募集(英語発表:英文のみ。日本語語発表:日本語と英語の併記。)
2023年9月20日 AFCオンラインシステムによる発表要旨提出の締切
2023年10月31日 発表要旨審査結果発表(発表にはAFC奨学金の募集要項が含まれます)
2024年1月20日 AFC奨学金審査結果発表のお知らせ
2024年2月1日 参加者としての登録(4月10日までの早割で登録料が20%割引になります。)
2024年3月31日 論文のオンライン投稿(PDFファイルのアップロード)締切
2024年6月10日 優秀論文審査結果発表
2024年6月20日 参加者登録の締切
2024年7月25日 分科会セッションのスケジュール発表
2024年8月11日 AFC#7にて口頭発表とクロージングパーティーでの表彰式


2023年5月1日 発表要旨募集(英語発表:英文のみ。日本語発表:日本語と英語の併記。)
2024年2月1日 参加者としての登録(4月10日までの早割で登録料が20%割引になります。)
2024年2月29日 AFCオンラインシステムによる論文(奨学金・賞に関係しないもの)および小論文の発表要旨提出の締め切り
2024年3月31日 発表要旨の審査結果発表
2024年5月31日 AFCオンラインシステムによる論文(奨学金・賞に関係しないもの)および小論文のオンライン投稿(PDFファイルのアップロード)締切日
2024年6月20日 参加者登録の締切
2024年7月25日 分科会セッションのスケジュール発表
2024年8月11日 AFC#7にて口頭発表

まずはFAQ( )をご確認いただき、さらにお問い合わせがある場合は、AFC事務局にメール[email protected] でご連絡ください。お問い合わせの際は、AFCユーザー登録番号(4桁)をご記載ください。