washibana akujou  鷲鼻悪尉
KEY WORD : art history / sculptures
'Eagle-nosed fierce old man.' A noh mask, *noumen 能面, representing a fierce, old man. A roman nose with a strong, thin nosebone distinguishes this mask. Wrinkles line its forehead and a flat, straight ridge sets the eyebrows apart from the eyes. Like other akujou 悪尉 masks, washibana akujou has inserted gold-colored metal eyeballs, imparting a strong impression, yet its eyes are smaller and more human-like than *ooakujou 大悪尉 and *hanakobu akujou 鼻瘤悪尉. Gold-colored metal covering the upper and lower teeth and a tongue visible in the back of the mouth emphasize the strength of the old man. The mask is colored a dark earthy brown. Washibana akujou is often used for a figure performing the Chinese-derived dance, gaku 楽, such as the messenger god in Doumyouji 道明寺, the scholar Onin in NANIWA 難波, and the god Shirahige no Myoujin 白髭明神 in SHIRAHIGE 白髭. Attributed to Shakazuru Yoshinari 赤鶴吉成 (13c; see *jissaku 十作), an inscribed Muromachi period mask at Oyama 尾山 shrine is carved in the style of washibana akujou.


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