KEY WORD :@architecture / general terms
Also written ’GŽΑ; Also called itajitomi ”ΒŽΑ. A moveable fence used in aristocratic dwellings of the Heian (794-1185) and Kamakura (1185-1333) periods. A frame is made from horizontal and vertical timbers, with the vertical members about 180cm apart. The spaces between the posts were filled with a plain wood lattice panelled with boards. The vertical laths were longer than the horizontal ones, giving the name tate (vertical) jitomi also shitomi (lattice). The most elegant fences were also topped with low posts simulating bamboo with openwork design *take-no-fushi ’|‚̐ί. This type of fence was used along the approach from the front to middle gate of *shinden-zukuri Q“a‘’ residences, in the garden, or occasionally inside the house.

*shitomido ŽΑŒΛ.

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