KEY WORD :@architecture / tea houses
A bamboo nail. Usually the nail is 7.5mm square and made from giant bamboo, madake ^’| (also nigatake ‹ê’|). They have a hook on which to hang scrolls and are used in a small room or alcove, *tokonoma °‚ÌŠÔ. When pounded into a wall, the nail project 27mm with the exterior skin on the upper side. Kobori Enshuu ¬–x‰“B (1579-1647) and Kanamori Souwa ‹àX@˜a (1584-1656) preferred nailing takekugi into a wall with the exterior skin on the under side. Hooked bamboo nails were used in a tea ceremony houses, *chashitsu ’ƒŽº, kitchen, *mizuya …‰®, for hanging up towels used to wipe tea implements.
Bamboo nails made from a smaller variety of bamboo that has a smooth surface with non-protruding joints are used by cabinet makers. Once shaped as nails, they are roasted in an iron pot and therefore have a brownish color.


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