oigata taiheizuka@‹ˆŒ`‘ε•r‘©
KEY WORD :@architecture / general terms
A bottle strut *taiheizuka ‘ε•r‘©, with a sculptural decoration called oigata ‹ˆŒ` affixed on both sides. Also oigatatsuki taiheizuka ‹ˆŒ`•t‘ε•r‘©. lit. the oigata shape added to a bottle strut. This strut was also called *gasshouhire ‡Ά•h in the DAIKU HINAGATABON ‘εH—Œ`–{ (The Carpenter's Book of Patterns), Edo period. It is usually positioned on a rainbow beam *kouryou “ψ—ΐ. Its function is to receive the bearing block *masu “l, on which an upper beam can be supported.
These struts vary from simple and undecorated ones to those with exceedingly intricate carvings on each side.
Senshuuji Nyoraidou κCŽ›”@—ˆ“° (Mie)
a) *gasshouhire ‡Ά•h@b) *yuiwata@Œ‹–Θ
Senshuuji Nyoraidou κCŽ›”@—ˆ“° (Mie)

Youdaiji Kondou “Œ‘εŽ›‹ΰ“° ( Nara)
Youdaiji Kondou “Œ‘εŽ›‹ΰ“° (Nara)


(C)2001 Japanese Architecture and Art Net Users System.@No reproduction or republication without written permission.