ita-e 板絵
KEY WORD : art history / paintings
Lit. paintings on wooden boards. A painting on a wall or door of a temple or shrine. Examples include the paintings on the doors of Byoudouin 平等院 *Hououdou 鳳凰堂 (1053), and the wall-painting in Ujigami Jinja Honden 宇治上神社本殿 (late 11c-early 12c). In these early examples, a base coat of kaolin *hakudo 白土 was applied first, over which the paintings were created. Although the term ita-e customarily indicates early examples found in temples and shrines, later paintings on wooden boards, such as votive tablets *ema 絵馬 and/or cedar-board-door paintings *sugido-e 杉戸絵, should also be included. In these later examples, paintings were often depicted directly on wooden boards without the kaolin base.

*hekiga 壁画

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