What is SGRA?
What is SGRA?
Contributing to good global citizenship through the principle of harmony in diversity.
SGRA is short for Sekiguchi Global Research Association (pronounced as SEGRA). It is a Civil Society Organization (CSO) based in Sekiguchi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan and has a mission to reach out globally. It is under the Atsumi International Foundation (AIF), which was formed on the behest of the the late Takeo Atsumi (former President of Kajima Construction) as the Atsumi International Scholarship Foundation (AISF). SGRA's mission is to contribute to good global citizenship under the principle of harmony in diversity. The core of SGRA is formed from former AISF/AIF scholarship recipients of foreign students in the final stage of Ph.D. work in a Japanese university. SGRA is also engaged in lay person-oriented research in Japan studies, environmental/energy , global citizenship, peace/security, human resource development, IT/education, and historical issues. SGRA's membership is therefore open to all men and women of goodwill irrespective of nationality, social rank, or field of intellectual pursuit.
SGRA holds at least four forums per year in Japan and regularly publishes the SGRA report (generally in Japanese, although there are special issues published in other languages as well). SGRA also has regular international collaborations with like-minded institutions in the Philippines, the Republic of Korea, China, and Mongolia.
SGRA's Home Page could be found here
SGRA in the Philippines
SGRA's basic objective in its Philippine activities is to contribute towards the realization of sustainable shared growth in the Philippines. Sustainable shared growth implies a good balance among the E-cube goals = Efficiency x Equity x Environment. This has been translated into Nihongo as 3K = Kouritsu (Efficiency), Kohei (Equity), and Kangkyou (Environment). In Tagalog, this has been translated to K.K.K. = Kahusayan (Efficiency), Katarungan (Equity), and Kalikasan (Environment). Incidentally, the three letters have been a rallying cry for change during the Spanish period of Philippine history.
SGRA's activities in the Philippines shares SGRA's general approach which is multi-disciplinary, multi-sectoral, and multi-national. The activities include holding regular seminars on sustainable shared growth. (See this link )
SGRA activities in the Philippines are regularly reported in Nihongo through the online newsletter of the SGRA (Kawaraban), under the series name of "Manila Report". Some of these reports are translated into English (See this link)
SGRA also publishes some of its activities in English through the SGRA Report. (See this link) On the occasion of the 14th SGRA Shared Growth Seminar co-hosted with the School of Labor and Industrial Relations in the University of the Philippines (co-organized with the UP College of Architecture, UP Mechanical Engineering Department, and the Philippine Center for Water and Sanitation), SGRA's activities in the Philippines will include the production of peer-reviewed Discussion Papers submitted in the Seminars, to be later published online as a SGRA Report