

アジアの未来へ Vol.1

Yasushi Akashi “The Fragile Nature of Peace”
Ge Zhaoguang なぜ東アジアなのか、そのアイデンティティーを如何に構築するのか
Yamamuro Shinichi 空間アジアを生み出す力──境界を跨ぐ人々の交流
Junko Imanishi Conference Report
Lahiru Niroshan Jayakody, et al. Biomass Utilization Technologies to Cope with Future Energy Demand in Asia: Recent Advances in Engineering of a Yeast Strain Resistance to Glycolaldehyde
Amarbayar Adiyabat, et al. Solar Technology and Resource Evaluation in the Gobi Desert of Mongolia
Yuki Ueno, et al. Renewable Energy Penetration Limits: Effect and Solution Issues for Interconnected Grid
Hongbo Ren, et al. Energy System Innovation for the Future of Asia: Review of State-of-the-art Distributed Energy Resources and Micro-grids in Japan
任 洪波
Mostafa Al Mamun, et al. Long-term Load Forecasting of 9-Japanese Power Utilities Considering the Enhancement of Energy Conservation 67
Ratih Fitria Putri, et al. Tsunami Inundation Hazard Mapping as Monitoring and Conservation Assessment in Parangtritis Coastal Area, Indonesia
Xinling Feng, et al. Air Pollution Control and Climate Change Measures in Fuxin City, Liaoning Province, China
馮 新玲
Yaik-Wah Lim, et al. University-industry Research Collaboration on Development of Green Mosque Design
Pawinee Iamtrakul The Association of Transportation and Land Use Planning towards Sustainable Urban Energy Planning
Dongjie Guan Dynamic Simulation of Land Use Change Based on CA Model: A Case Study of Saga in Japan
官 冬杰
Rui Wang, et al. The Dynamics of Social Networks in Philippine Poor Communities: From Giant Leaps to Small Steps
Yuriko Sato, et al. Revitalization of Regional Areas Through an Increase in International Students
Jose R. Medina, Rowena D.T. Baconguis Community-Life School (CLS) Model for Sustainable Agriculture-Based Rural Development
Yang Guang Ping 公共サービス均等化の実現に関する財政法上の考察
楊 広平
Geomilie S. Tumamao-Guittap, et al. 中等教育の現代的課題 ──グローバル化と個人化の狭間で東アジアの未来を考える──
Kaku Hanka ダブルリミテッドの子どもの第二言語教育を考える 187
郭 凡嘉
Chen Tzuching 日本語学習において情意面からのアプローチは可能か ──日本語会話の教育実践を例に──
陳 姿菁
Ota Hideaki 東アジア民衆の連帯へ向けて──明治社会民主主義の国際秩序観── 205
Zou Shuangshuang 日本占領下の北京における「知日家」──翻訳家銭稲孫と張我軍を中心に──
鄒 双双
Dong Bing Yue 日野強『伊犂紀行』における漢詩 223
董 炳月