zenne-zu 禅会図
KEY WORD : art history / paintings
Lit. paintings of Zen 禅 meetings. Paintings that depict a philosophical dialogue between a Zen priest and a layman, usually an emperor or scholar. This genre is distinguished from zenshikai-zu 禅師会図, paintings which show a conversation between Zen priests. Notable dialogues between priests and laymen include those of Yaosan and Liao (Jp:*Yakuzan Rikou 薬山・李こう), Niaoke (Jp: *Chouka 鳥か) and Bai Letian (Jp: *Haku Rakuten 白楽天), Yuhua (Jp: Kouka 興化) and Zhungzong (Jp: Sousou 荘宗), Mazu (Jp: Baso 馬祖) and Pangjushi (Jp: *Hou Koji ほう居士), Li Bai (Jp: *Ri Haku 李白) and Zhizhang (Jp: Chijou 智常), Xuefeng (Jp: Setsuhou 雪峰) and Minwang (Jp: Bin'ou びん王), and Huangbo (Jp: Oubaku 黄檗) and Peixiu (Jp:Haikyuu 裴休). These famous meetings were recorded in Song and Yuan period compilations of Zen analects and were often illustrated by artists who specialized in figure subjects such as Ma Gungxien (Jp: Ba Kouken 馬公顕, mid-12c) and Yintuoluo (Jp: Indara 因陀羅, late 14c), and later Japanese painters of the Muromachi period (15c) .


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