Hou Koji ほう居士
KEY WORD : art history / paintings
Ch: Pang Jushi. Lit. The Layman Pang. Regarded as an incarnation of Vimalakirti (Jp: *Yuima 維摩). A Tang Chinese student of Zen, who symbolized the idea that enlightenment was open to laymen as well as priests. Hou Koji's real name was Pang Yun (Jp: Hou Un ほう蘊). He studied with several noted Zen masters including Mazu (Jp: Baso 馬祖; d.788) and Yaoshan (Jp: Yakusan 薬山; 751-834), and was a friend of the priest Danxia (Jp: Tanka 丹霞; 738-829). In his dialogues with these priests, illustrated in imaginary portrait by Zen painters in China and Japan, Pang demonstrated an understanding of Zen equal to that of the great patriarchs. The Record of Transmission of the Lamp (Ch: Jingde Chuandenglu; Jp: KEITOKU DENTOUROKU 景徳傳燈録; 1004) records his legendary biography. Pang's wife was a devout Buddhist, and their daughter Lingzhaonu (Jp: *Rei Shoujo 霊昭女) and son Pang Da (Jp: Hou Dai ほう大) are known as paragons of filial piety. Pang was sometimes painted with members of his family such as; a hanging scroll attributed to Ren Renfa (Jp: Nin Jinhatsu 任仁發; 1254-1327, Daitokuji 大徳寺, Kyoto) and a screen attributed to Kanou Sanraku 狩野山楽 (1559-1635, Daihouonji 大報恩寺, Kyoto). Pang was also the subject of individual imaginary portraits, both by priest-printers of the Muromachi period and by secular artists of the Edo period such as Iwasa Matabee 岩佐又兵衛 (1578-1650).


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