KEY WORD :@architecture / gardens
Lit. four-eyed fence. A generic name for a bamboo lattice fence. The poetic name derives from the quadrant of lozenge shapes created by the lattice pattern. Typically green, long-jointed bamboo are arranged vertically and horizontally and tied with cord. Bamboo, cedar or cypress are placed at intervals of 1 to 8m, and the fence rarely exceeds one meter height. Yotsumegaki usually are employed as *oogaki ‘εŠ_, partitioning the inner and outer precincts of a tea garden *roji ˜I˜H. In many cases small shrubs are planted along the base of the fence or climbing plants are trained to trail along the yotsumegaki. Variants include the curving *kouetsujigaki Œυ‰xŽ›Š_ and the midare —‚κ or sousaku ‘nμ yotsumegaki in which there is no fixed pattern .


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