kouetsujigaki 光悦寺垣
KEY WORD : architecture / gardens
Lit. Kouetsuji fence. Also kouetsugaki 光悦垣. A type of open, woven bamboo fence *yotsumegaki 四目垣 associated with the temple Kouetsuji 光悦寺 at Takagamine 鷹ケ峯, Kyoto. Attributed to Honnami Kouetsu 本阿弥光悦 (1558-1637), the fence is made of split bamboo lashed along diagonals to create a lozenge-design fence *hishigaki 菱垣. The top of the fence is made up of large pieces of split bamboo bundled together, while the ground sill is much smaller. The fence at Kouetsuji is 2m high at the north end but gradually curves downward until it ends at ground level 18m to the south. The gently curving shape of Kouetsu style fences has led to the nick-name gagyuugaki 臥牛垣 (reclining bull fence). Although likely derived from the projecting fence *sodegaki 袖垣, the kouetsujigaki is used to divide gardens at Kouetsuji.


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