urakumado 有楽窓
KEY WORD : architecture / tea houses
A type of window named for Oda Uraku (1547-1621) which incorporates short, small, vertical stripes of bamboo placed outside in front of a window called *renjimado 連子窓, and on the inside, paper covered window, *shouji 障子. The light cicated by the bamboo slits creates a beautiful striped pattern on the shouji . A typical example is found in a tea ceremony room designed by Oda Uraku 織田有楽 (1547-1621) at Jo'an tea ceremony house, Jo'an-no-Seki 如庵の席, in Aichi prefecture. The window is situated on the wall parallel to the long side of the host's mat, *temaedatami 点前畳. Dark, purply-brown strips of bamboo, shichiku 紫竹, are used with hardly perceptible spaces between them. However, an alternating pattern of light and dark penetrates to the shouji, unique to a Uraku design.


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