Sengoku jidai 戦国時代
KEY WORD :  art history / general terms
Lit. Warring States period. The period began with the outbreak of the Ounin Wars (Ounin no ran 応仁の乱, 1467-1477) and lasted up to the entrance of the great unifier Oda Nobunaga 織田信長 (1534-1582) into Kyoto in 1568. The term is used to refer to the Late Muromachi period *Muromachi jidai 室町時代 kouki 後期, when many areas of the country were locked in civil war. One source also suggests 1491 as a beginning for the period, that being the year in which Houjou Souun 北条早雲 (1432-1519) destroyed the Horikoshi 堀越. Others include with it the subsequent Momoyama period *Momoyama jidai 桃山時代 (1568-1615). The period of 100 years (1467-1568) devastated the city of Kyoto destroying countless numbers of art treasures during the fighting. The term "Warring States" was adopted from the Chinese Zhanguo (Jp; Sengoku 戦国) period (ca 403-221 BC). the most memorable artistic trend of the period is the early Kano style developed by Kanou Masanobu 狩野正信 (1434-1530) and Kanou Motonobu 狩野元信 (1476-1559). Motonobu's greatest surviving work is at Reiun-in 霊雲院 built in 1543 in Myoushinji 妙心寺. Kanou artists decorated large screens *byoubu 屏風 and sliding door panels *shouhekiga 障壁画 in Shogunal residences and temples, many of which were destroyed in the century long skirmishes mentioned above.

*Higashiyama bunka 東山文化 

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