KEY WORD :@architecture / shrines
Lit. a place to go into seclusion. A shrine or temple where priests or laymen can retire alone to pray. However, special buildings were not usually constructed for this purpose. Formerly and even nowadays, especially in small country shrines, various parts of a shrine are used for seclusion and referred to as sanrousho. These include: the worship hall, *haiden ”q“a; the inner or middle gate, *chuumon ’†–å; the side wings *yokurou —ƒ˜L which extend from either side of a central gate, and other buildings. An example is a building called Igoden ŠõŽq“a at Kamikamo Jinja ã‰ê–Î_ŽÐ, Kyoto, constructed in 1628. This has an interior which is divided into two rooms; it was used exclusively by young women.

*saikan ÖŠÙ@

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