sankoshomon 三鈷杵文
KEY WORD : architecture / roofing tiles
Also called *kongousho 金剛杵, lit. Sk;vajra pounder (diamond for its hardness). Lit. three prong pounder motif. A motif found on broad concave eave end tiles *nokihiragawara 軒平瓦. It is derived from a three pronged weapon originally used for self defense in India. Buddhist priests belonging to Esoteric setcts mikkyou 密教 came to use it as a symbol that represented the conquering of earthly desires and human vice to achieve salvation. There are also single *tokkosho 独鈷杵 and five pronged *gokosho 五鈷杵 implements of this type. One unearthed at Rokuharamitsuji 六波羅密寺, in Kyoto has one prong design and is called konbeimon sumigi futagawara 金べい文隅木蓋瓦 (thunderbolt motif on the cover tile of a hip rafter). In all cases, the implement motif is surrounded by a high plain border. Tiles with sankoshomon have also been unearthed at Iwashimizu Hachimanguu 石清水八幡宮, in Kyoto .


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