sumiyoshi torii 住吉鳥居
KEY WORD : architecture / shrines
A stone gate-like entrance, torii of the myoujin type *myoujin torii 明神鳥居, at Sumiyoshi Taisha 住吉大社 in Osaka. The pillars are almost square with beveled corners and an inward incline *uchikorobi 内転. The top lintel *kasagi 笠木, is pentagonal with a fairly strong upward curve which increases the height of the member at each end. The ends are cut with a sharp downward slant. The lintel itself has three sections joined in two places by a lap joint *koshikaketsugi 腰掛継. The secondary lintel *shimaki 島木, is almost square in section, smaller in width than the top lintel and not as long. Its upper surface is curved to complement the rise on the bottom surface of the top lintel. It is divided into two lengths joined above the center strut gakutsuka 額束. The ends are cut vertically. The center strut is a simple rectangular stone post, and has a framed panel attached with metal brackets to the front side inscribed with the name of the shrine. The rectangular tie beam *nuki 貫, is the same length as the secondary lintel and appears to pass through the pillars in one piece. However, in reality, the center section is a single length of stone and each projection is a separate piece. Wedges *kusabi 楔, secure each part on both sides of the pillar.


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