Ryo Douhin@˜C“΄•o
KEY WORD :@art history / paintings
Ch: Lu Dongbin. Alternative pronunciation in Japanese, Ryo Douhin. Also called Lu Yan (Jp: Ryo Gan ˜CŠή) or Chunyangzi (Jp: Jun'youshi ƒ—zŽq).
A popular Taoist hero, particularly among followers of the Zenshinkyou ‘S^‹³ (Ch: Quanzhenjiao) Taoist sect. Also popular with followers of the 'eight immortals' *hassen ”ͺε, and is the most-frequent immortal found in painting of this type. According to a 1252 inscription on a stele at Yonglegong (Jp: Eirakukyuu ‰iŠy‹{), a Taoist temple from the Yuan dynasty in Shanxi ŽRΌ, Ryo Douhin was born in that town and was awarded the jinshi iŽm degree in the civil service in 825. A different account is found in The Series of Biographies of Immortals (Ch: LIEXIANZHUAN, Jp: RESSENDEN —ρε“`), where it states Ryo Douhin did not pass the exam until the age of 64, when he met his Taoist teacher Zhong Liquan (Jp: *Shou Riken ί—£Œ ). Ryo Douhin was said to have been capable of supernatural speed and to have wielded a miraculous sword with which he defended the people of central China. Later he retired to Mt. Lu αΈ in Guanxi 萐Ό province. Legends about Ryo Douhin circulated from the 10c, in particular he came to be ragarded as one of the five founders of the Zenshinkyou sect. By the Yuan period, the stele suggests, his cult was firmly established.
In painting Ryo Douhin is usually shown in a voluminous scholar's robe holding a gourd bottle of wine and a sword. He is often pictured riding on a cloud or a dragon; a reference to the legend that Ryo Douhin used his famous sword to subdue a dragon. He is also frequently depicted crossing water on his sword. Among the many Japanese artists who painted Ryo Douhin since the Muromachi period, Sesson Shuukei α‘ΊŽόŒp (1504?-90-?) is most closely associated with the theme.


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