KEY WORD :@architecture / general terms
Also called tate-ezu ŒšŠG}. A fold-up, three-dimensional plan drawn on paper, to show the interior of rooms assembled on a floor plan. Elevation drawings of each wall as well as ceiling and roof drawings are included. The thick paper model is normally on a scale of 1 to 1/20 - 1/30. Thus a single bay on the plan is about 6cm. These drawings are pasted along the wall lines so that they can stand up. Ceilings and roof parts are made separately and can be placed over the walls and removed to view the interior. This method is said to have begun in the Edo period (1615-1868) primarily for the construction of a tea ceremony house, *chashitsu ’ƒŽº. When not in use, okoshi-ezu can be folded flat and easily stored.


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