nuno-ishi 布石
KEY WORD : architecture / general terms
1 Also called *nunokiso 布基礎. One meter long rectangular base stones, lined up end to end, which function as the foundation for timber footings *dodai 土台. The stones are usually granite and are buried about 9cm into the ground leaving about 6cm exposed. The depth to which the stones are buried varies according to the size of the timber footing and size of the structure to be erected. These stones can be set directly into the ground or may rest on a bed of gravel. They prevent moisture from reaching the timber footing and other parts of the structure. The corners are frequently chamfered. This method is commonly applied in the construction of tea ceremony houses in the shoin style *shoin 書院.
Toudaiji Nenbutsudou 東大寺念仏堂 (Nara)
a) nuno-ishi 布石 b) soseki 礎石
Toudaiji Nenbutsudou 東大寺念仏堂 (Nara)

2 Long horizontal stones used for paving. In this case the term *nunojiki 布敷 is used.


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