nehon 根本
KEY WORD : art history / paintings
The Kyoto-Osaka region kamigata 上方 term for a *kabuki 歌舞伎 play book *shouhon 正本 published in the first half of the 19c. The term nehon also refers to a published abridgement of the contents of a script. Many had illustrations and were called eiri nehon 絵入根本. The usual form was the *hanshi 半紙 book (hanshibon 半紙本), produced from sheets of hanshi paper about 165 x 235mm. There were usually six to seven booklets in a set, sometimes more than ten, but fewer than twenty. The text was copied from the script. The illustrations corresponded to the text and several were included in every booklet. Generally they were black and white prints, but pale colors were added by hand in some examples. Most illustrations were kamigata style actor portraits *yakusha-e 役者絵 following the illustrative style of the *yomihon 読本. One of the earliest examples is the 1802 publication EHON GIJOUSHIORI 絵本戯場栞.


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