KEY WORD :@architecture / buildings & structures
Lit. image hall. Also called eidou ‰e“°, goeidou or goedou Œδ‰e“°. A temple hall explicitly assigned to enshrine the portrait of the templeΥs founder. The character Œδ is an honorific and can be read mi or go. Adding mi as an honorific indicates that the hall contains portraits and/or tablets of especially venerated personages. It may also enshrine the founder of a particular religious sect. These terms are used by the Joudo ς“y and Joudoshin ς“y^ sects. In the Zen ‘T sect, this type of hall is called *kaisandou ŠJŽR“°, and in the Shingon ^ŒΎ sect, it is called *daishidou ‘εŽt“°.
Examples: Kyouougokokuji Daishidou ‹³‰€Œμ‘Ž›‘εŽt“° (also called Sai-in Goeidou Ό‰@Œδ‰e“°; 1380) in Kyoto; Murouji Mieidou ŽΊΆŽ›Œδ‰e“° (early 14c) in Nara; Kongouji Miedou ‹ΰ„Ž›Œδ‰e“° (1606) in Osaka.
Ninnaji Mieidou m˜aŽ›Œδ‰e“° (Kyoto)
Ninnaji Mieidou m˜aŽ›Œδ‰e“° (Kyoto)


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