KEY WORD : art history / paintings
Collection on Painting, a seminal Japanese book on Chinese paintings written in 1623 by Kanou Ikkei 狩野一渓 (1599-1662), the author of *TANSEI JAKUBOKUSHUU 丹青若木集. It is a three-part compendium on Chinese painting theory, list of Chinese painters and geographical sites, and, most prominently, a descriptive catalog of Chinese figure-painting themes. Intended for the instruction of followers, the work begins with fundamental ideas of painting such as the Six Laws *rikuhou 六法 and Three Classes *sanpin 三品, and includes other specific instructions on Chinese painting technique. The majority of the text is an explanation of figure painting subjects including sages and saints, emperors, lords, Confucianists, loyalty and filial piety, official retainers, hermits, literary men, warriors, friends of learning, children, fisherman and wood cutters, rustics, agriculture, sericulture, travelers, immortals, holy priests, female immortals, arhats and patriarchs, painters, virtuous women, beautiful women, male love, clever men, and miscellaneous. After a list of animals, Chinese mountains, rivers and lakes, KOUSOSHUU ends with KUNDAIKAN SOUCHOUKI 君台観左右帳記. KOUSOSHUU not only indicates a sophisticated knowledge of (and interest in) Chinese painting theory and subject matter, but is an invaluable source for identifying painting subjects. Its obscure title, from the Bayi section of the Analects (Jp: RONGO 論語; Ch: Lunyu), refers to applying the white ground prior to painting or to adding the final touches of white highlights after painting. It is published in Sakazaki Tan 坂崎坦, ed. NIHONGARON TAIKAN 日本画論大観.


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