KEY WORD :@architecture / roofing tiles
Also written εΊ’; also called *kanmurigawara Š₯Š’ or *ganburigawara ŠεUŠ’. Coping tiles that create a finish to the stacked tiles *noshigawara ΰ‘“lŠ’, piled on the ridge. Coping tiles are also used on top of stacked tiles on corner ridges *sumikudarimune ‹χ~“, and the short offspring ridge *chigomune ’tŽ™“, or on descending ridges *kudarimune ~“. The characters εΊ’, were used in the Muromachi period because the form of the tiles was thought to resemble the shape of a quilt spread over Japanese style bedding futon Š—’c, or bedclothes yagu –ι‹ο. However, this complicated character was eventually dropped and replaced by two relatively simple ones, also read fusuma •šŠΤ; lit. cover space.


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