KEY WORD :@art history / paintings
Handmade paper *washi ˜aŽ† produced in Echizen ‰z‘O (now Fukui prefecture), probably Japan's most famous paper-making district. The earliest reference to echizengami occurs in the SHOUSOUIN MONJO ³‘q‰@•Ά‘, indicating that it was already well-known in the year 774. An old legend from the village of Okamoto ‰ͺ–{ claims that the god of the local shrine appeared to the villagers in the form of a young girl and taught them how to make paper.
Echizen is best known for its production of houshogami •ς‘Ž† (see *housho •ς‘), which began in the Kamakura period. Although houshogami was produced throughout Japan, paper made in the so-called Five Villages of Echizen (Goka chihou Œά‰Σ’n•ϋ; Okamoto ‰ͺ–{, Ootaki ‘ε‘κ, Iwamoto Šβ–{, Sadatomo ’θ—F, and Oizu •s˜V), was considered to be of the highest quality. From the Muromachi period onwards Echizen produced an extremely large quantity and wide variety of high quality papers, including *danshi ’hŽ† and *suiharagami ™Œ΄Ž† made from mulberry tree fibers (see *choshi žΈŽ†), *torinokogami ’Ή‚ΜŽqŽ†, *maniaigami ŠΤŽ—‡Ž†, and *usuyou ”–—l made from ganpi Šε”η fibres *ganpishi Šε”ηŽ†, and various decorated papers such as *uchigumori ‘Ε“ά (borderd withclouds). Because of its very high reputation Echizen sold paper to all areas of Japan. In the Meiji period new techniques and new paper types such as gahoushi ‰λ–MŽ† were developed. Gahoushi is a very large paper, 5.5 sq. meters, used for *nihonga “ϊ–{‰ζ (Japanese painting). The production of *mashi –ƒŽ†, which had been discontinued, was revived. A whole variety of decorated papers, including many new designs were also produced, particularly for use as fusumagami ‰¦Ž† (paper used to make or decorate sliding doors and screens). Vellum was produced to export to Europe.


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