amigasamon 編笠門
KEY WORD : architecture / tea houses
Also written 網笠門. A wattle-hood gate. A simple gate used as a middle gate in a garden *roji 露地, surrounding a tea ceremony house *chashitsu 茶室. The name derives from the gate's resemblance to the shape of a wattle or braided hat. A simple shingled roof *kokerabuki 柿葺, or a cypress-bark thatched roofing *hiwadabuki 檜葺, is commonly used for this type of gate. An example at Mushakouji Senke 武者小路千家 in Kyoto has a 62cm frontage and is roofed with boards that are 0.9-1.5cm thick, 65cm long and 9-15cm wide. The Japanese cedar boards, sugi-ita 杉板, are the thickest type of roofing boards. The ridge is made of curved bamboo and the underside of the roof is lined with split cedar strips and white bamboo. The gate doors are made of bamboo lattice set in a frame of duck boards *sunoko 簀の子. Another famous example is the middle gate at Daitokuji Kohouan 大徳寺孤蓬庵 in Kyoto.


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