
AFC2016 Infopack

AFC2016 Infopack

This Infopack contains the information about the schedule, presentation, lodging, food, access to the venues, and study tour (excursion) of the Third Asia Future Conference.

Please read it carefully, and if you still have questions, don’t hesitate to contact AFC Secretariat at [email protected].


AFC2016 Infopack

AFC2016 Infopack

This Infopack contains the information about the schedule, presentation, lodging, food, access to the venues, and study tour (excursion) of the Third Asia Future Conference.

Please read it carefully, and if you still have questions, don’t hesitate to contact AFC Secretariat at [email protected].


AFC2016 Infopack

AFC2016 Infopack

This Infopack contains the information about the schedule, presentation, lodging, food, access to the venues, and study tour (excursion) of the Third Asia Future Conference.

Please read it carefully, and if you still have questions, don’t hesitate to contact AFC Secretariat at [email protected].