AFC - The 1st Asia Future Conference

第1回アジア未来会議 「世界の中のアジア:地域協力の可能性」

The 1st Asia Future Conference: “Asia in the World ---- Potentials of Regional Cooperation”

第一届亚洲未来会议 “亚洲与世界: 区域合作的可能性”

Date: Friday March 8th ~ Sunday March 10th, 2013

Venue: Shanghai, China (Tongji University, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Fudan University)




2000年7月から東京を起点として活動する公益財団法人渥美国際交流財団の一部署である関口グローバル研究会(Sekiguchi Global Research Association:SGRA)は、世界各国から渡日し長い留学生活を経て日本の大学院から博士号を取得した知日派外国人研究者が中心となって活動し、グローバル化に関わる問題提起を行い、その成果をフォーラム、レポート、ホームページ等の方法で、広く社会に発信しています。ある一定の専門家ではなく、広く社会全般を対象に、幅広い研究領域を包括した国際的かつ学際的な活動を狙いとしています。良き地球市民の実現に貢献することがSGRAの基本的な目標です。


Aim of the Conference

Entering into the 21st century, the entire world has been plunged into a maelstrom of change. While harboring high hopes for new technologies, people are losing their bearings with the severe changes in social structures. Though internationalization and globalization have been highly advocated for a long time, a new direction that could be shared globally has yet to be found, and this serves only to heighten confusion. In such an era, it is thus necessary to analyze and evaluate matters from a new and multi-dimensional perspective. Each one of us is perhaps being asked to reform our awareness and behavior so as to possess a firm ideology and see through its implementation.

In recent years, Asian countries have achieved rapid economic development. Nevertheless, with the outbreak of global environmental problems and the advance of socio-economic globalization, problems that transcend national borders have arisen, presenting a whole new set of issues. In the process of pursuing their individual interests, firms and citizens that comprise a society must at the same time consider the interests of the peripheral society. In this age of advancing globalization, the scope of the existing society has further expanded, and it has now become a requirement to aim for peace that will encompass the whole planet, and for happiness that will spread through the whole human race. When solving various problems or setting up policies and strategies, it has also become necessary to hold a multi-faceted evaluation of the different dimensions of society, not only in terms of developing scientific technologies and business analyses, but also in terms of giving consideration to the environment, politics, education, the arts and culture.

The Sekiguchi Global Research Association (SGRA) started operating in Tokyo from July 2000 as a division of the charitable Atsumi International Scholarship Foundation. At its core are foreign (non-Japanese) researchers of Japan who have come from all over the world to do advanced studies in Japan and have obtained their doctoral degrees from Japanese graduate institutions. SGRA identifies issues related to globalization, and widely transmits its research results in various ways such as forums, reports and the internet. It aims to reach the society at large rather than a specific group of specialists, through a wide range of research and exchange activities that are multidisciplinary as well as multinational. The basic objective of SGRA is to contribute to the realization of good global citizenship.

SGRA has to date held 40 forums within Japan, and has in recent years expanded its activities regionally by holding forums and symposiums also in Beijing, Shanghai, Yanji, Huhhot, Urumchi, Seoul, Kyongju, Yangpyong, Manila, Ulan Bator, Taipei, among others.

The First Asia Future Conference will be held in partnership with other like-minded institutions, in order to provide a large-scale venue for exchange and presentations, not only by SGRA members, but also by former foreign students of Japan as well as their students from various educational institutions in the world. We eagerly look forward to everyone’s active support and participation.


进入21世纪以来,整个世界都掀起了变革的波澜。人们一方面在急切地期待着新技术的诞生,另一方面又对急遽变化的社会构造感到困惑。倡导国际化和全球化虽为时已久,然对于未来世界发展之方向,不仅仍未获得共同之见识,而且独增混乱之局势。置身于这样的时代,对于任何事物,我们是不是有必要以全新的视点予以综合性的分析和判断呢? 是否具有坚实的理念,如何将这一理念付诸实践,时代对于每个人的要求不就是希望我们都要有改革的意识和行动吗?


关口全球研究会(Sekiguchi Global Research Association:SGRA)是公益财团法人渥美国际交流财团的一个重要机构。它从2000年7月起,以东京为起点,以长期留学日本并在日本的大学获得了博士学位的来自世界各地的“知日派”研究人员为主力展开研究活动。关口全球研究会从事与全球化有关的问题研究,并将研究成果以论坛、报告书、网页等形式,广泛公诸于社会。它不以特定的学科或某一专家群体为对象,而以整个社会为对象,展开领域广泛、跨学科、跨国界的研究活动。为培养优秀地球公民作出贡献,乃是关口全球研究会的基本目标。

关口全球研究会已经在日本国内举办过40次国际论坛,近几年随着活动范围的不断扩展, 又先后在北京、上海、延吉、呼和浩特、乌鲁木齐、首尔、庆州、阳平、马尼拉、乌兰巴托、台北等地举办了国际性论坛或大型国际学术会议。这次,为了给关口全球研究会的会员们,更为了那些曾在日本留过学、现在世界各地的大学执教的学者及其研究生们提供一个发表研究成果、促进相互交流的平台,我们在各方的大力支持下,决定召开“第一届亚洲未来会议”。我们期待着大家踊跃参加。