zendoujigata tourou@‘P“±Ž›Œ`“”βΔ
KEY WORD :@architecture / lanterns
Type of lantern found in the garden of Zendouji ‘P“±Ž›, Kyoto. Six semi-spherical swellings surround the base and have been interpreted as transformations of half lotus petals. The stem is undecorated. The middle base, *chuudai ’†‘δ, is six-sided and the flame holder and canopy are heavy. The flame-lighting window is proportionately small and the jewel at the top is flat and large in form, making the whole lantern appear heavy. The roof and eaves of the canopy are decorated with line engravings, and there is a unique design of tea utensiles on the side of the flame holder. Horizontal engravings decorate the sides of the middle base. This lantern represents the taste of the Edo period, and is approximately 1.82m in height.


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