KEY WORD :@architecture / castles
An arrow loophole in a castle wall. Also sengan ϋŠα .
Characterized by a vertical opening about 45cm high (1shaku ŽΪ 5 sun ‘) and about 12.12cm wide (4 sun ‘) . While its necessary for the opening to be wide enough to see the target, if it is too wide enemy forces might use it to enter into the castle. The bottom of the opening is about knee highAenabling arrows to be shot at a steep downward angle; a castle was usually raised above the enemy position. The arrow holes were hourglass shaped *uchisoto hachimonji “ΰŠO”ͺ•ΆŽš, narrowing at the centre with wide openings on either side. This gave the widest possible shooting range and flexibility from the inside, and the minimum exposure to the enemy. Yazama were classified into seated or standing loopholes *isama ‹‹·ŠΤ and tachizama —§‹·ŠΤ, respectively.

*sama ‹·ŠΤ,

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