tsugi-ita つぎ板
KEY WORD : art history / paintings
An *ukiyo-e 浮世絵 woodblock printing technique used in cases where the carver is under pressure to meet a tight deadline. In circumstances where the carver may not meet the deadline, a woodblock *hangi 版木 will be divided up into three or four parts, each of which will be carved separately by different carvers. After the carving is completed, the block will be reassembled into one piece by splicing or otherwise joining the pieces together. The tsugi-ita can be seen in works from the last part of the Tokugawa bakufu 徳川幕府 (military government), during what is known as the bakumatsu 幕末 period, the last years of the Tokugawa shogunate in the nineteenth century. One can find tsugi-ita in woodblock prints designed by Sandai Toyokuni 三代豊国 (Toyokuni 3, Utagawa Kunisada 歌川国貞; 1786-1864), for example. This type of process is not seen in works done prior to that period. It is thought that this method of speeding up production was conceived because of the great increase in demand for woodblock prints during the19c.


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