suhamagata 州浜形
KEY WORD : art history / paintings
Also suhama 州浜. A shape made up of three rings. Used in garden design and landscape paintings. An imitation of a sandy beach. Usually the shape is twisted or elongated to create an original variation. A good example can be seen in the temple garden of Moutsuuji 毛越寺 (mid 12c), in Iwate prefecture, where a flat sandbar projects into the south-eastern corner of the lake Ooizumi-ike 大泉池. A motif representing the sandbars built up near Hourai 蓬莱, the legendary isle of youth. A landscape designs fuukeimon 風景文, it was used in congratulatory ceremonies during the Heian period as the shape for stands dai 台. It was sometimes substituted for cloud designs *unmon 雲文, especially when plants were used. In *ukiyo-e 浮世絵 prints it was used with waves. It is found on *kosode 小袖, and in fuukeimon ocean scenes to separate the scene from the background. It was used as a shape for individual objects such as ceramic dishes and also as a repeating motif.

*kuchikigata 朽木型 

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