shitouga 指頭画
KEY WORD : art history / paintings
Painting where the tip of the finger or a long finger-nail is employed instead of a brush. Also called "finger painting" (shiga 指画) or "finger and ink" (shiboku 指墨). Said to have begun in China during the Tang 唐 dynasty with Zhang Zao (Jp; Chou Sou 張そう), but the most famous finger painter is probably Gao Qipei (Jp; Kou Kihai 高其はい:1672-1734) of the Qing 清 dynasty who also wrote a treatise on finger-tip painting, the SITOUGASETSU 指頭画説. In Japan, the literati painter Ike no Taiga 池大雅 (1723-1776) was skilled in this art. This care-free painting style is sometimes categorized with the *hatsuboku 溌墨 of "flung-ink" tradition because of its associations with playfulness in painting, drinking and general revelry.


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