KEY WORD :@architecture / roofing tiles
1@Also written áK. Also called *shikihiragawara •~•˝Š˘, shikihira •~•˝ or nokishikigawara ŒŹ•~Š˘. A roof tile which is positioned under the broad, concave eave end tile.

@A paving tile. A flat tile of various sizes laid as flooring to cover hard-packed earthen floors *doma “yŠÔ in folk dwellings *minka –Ż‰Ć. Flat tiles of gun-metal gray sometimes cover the original earthen floor of the main hall *butsuden •§“a, especially in main hall in temples of the Zen sect.

Shuuentei Bekkan ăډ“’ŕ•ĘŠŮ (Hyougo)

3@A square tile positioned beneath the portable hearth *furo •—˜F on which the charcoal is placed. The tile is a standard 30 cm sq. and 3cm thick. Ceramic tiles are also used. Sometimes ceramic tiles are fired at a temperature higher than bisqueware or ceramic tile made by hand which are fired at temperatures from 700Ž to 1000 Ž (see *rakuyaki ŠyÄ). The charcoal heats the kettle of water used for the summer and autumn tea ceremony, see *chanoyu ’ƒ‚Ě“’.

4@Tile laid diagonally or horizontally for flooring. Popular during the late 17C.


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