rikyuugata tourou @—˜‹xŒ`“”βΔ
KEY WORD :@architecture / lanterns
A type of lantern. Lanterns of various shapes may be called rikyuugata. It is difficult to judge which are authentic and which are not because the name was used indiscriminately at a later date. Generally this type of la‚Žtern has a long canopy with a turned-up roof and bracken-shoot *warabitede ˜nŽθ, decorations. The flame holder itself is a rounded drum shape; the stem is cylindrical and short with a joint running around the middle. There are other related types of lanterns such as yamadera rikyuu ŽRŽ›—˜‹x, naniwa rikyuu “ο”g—˜‹x,, rikyuu byakutayuu —˜‹x”’‘Ύ•v, rikyuu senbanagata —˜‹xη‰ΤŒ`, rikyuukaku —˜‹xŠp; all differ slightly from one another.


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