renpashiki emon@—ø”gŽ®ˆß•¶
KEY WORD :@art history / sculptures
A manner of representing drapery folds in Buddhist sculpture. It consists of either 1) a high rounded curve alternating regularly with two low ridged curves or@2) an unbroken series of low ridged curves. The name renpashiki emon is derived from the shape of rippling waves. A good example is the Shakazou Žß‰Þ‘œ (late 9c) in Murouji Kondou Žº¶Ž›‹à“°, Nara. The renpashiki emon style is thought to have developed as a decorative version of the *honpashiki emon –|”gŽ®ˆß•¶, but this not certain.


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