oko-e 嗚呼絵
KEY WORD : art history / paintings
Also written 嗚滸絵. Comic, satiric paintings popular among aristocrats in the Heian period. The priest Kakuyuu 覚猷 (1053-1140; commonly known as Toba Soujou 鳥羽僧正) is recorded in KOKONCHOMONJUU 古今著聞集 (The Collection of Tales of Past and Present; 13c) as being good at painting oko-e. An extant example of oko-e is the first two handscrolls of Frolicking Animals and Humans, Choujuu jinbutsu giga 鳥獣人物戯画 (12c; Kouzanji 高山寺, Kyoto) and although traditionally attributed to Toba Soujou several hands are evident. The purpose and meaning of the depictions remain unresolved problems; however, some scenes appear to satirize pompous clerics and officials.

*giga 戯画

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