noji 野地
KEY WORD : architecture / general terms
Sheathing. Rough wooden boards nailed on to rafters to make a surface on which roofing material is laid. The boards are about 2cm thick. The structural members of the roof cannot be seen. Fukinoji 葺野地 are the rough boards or beams; shinainoji 撓野地 is sheating that is pliant and jikinoji 直野地 is sheathing placed on the eave purlins directly. Sheathing is sometimes classified into three categories: Aranoji 荒野地, also called doibuki 土居葺, is rough sheathing that is not visible at all because a ceiling hides the structure parts; Kezurinoji 削野地 refers to the exposed parts, such as under the eaves or where the roof truss is not hidden by a ceiling, which are carefully finished by planing; Keshou noji 化粧野地 refers to the point where only the double eaves, *futanoki 二軒 are exposed. Great care is taken to finish them carefully, as for example, on verandas, an entrance walk, and the eaves ends at temples and shrines.


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