kusen hakkei-ishi@‹γŽR”ͺŠCΞ
KEY WORD :@architecture / gardens
Lit. stone(s) from the nine mountains and eight seas. A single stone or group of stones placed around another stone meant to symbolize Mt. Sumeru (Jp; *Shumisen {–νŽR). The stone(s) represent the manifest world of mountains and water, form and void, arranged around the axis mundi of Mt. Sumeru. The eight mountains, in order from closest to Mt. Sumeru to most distant, are Yukendarasen ζϊŒ’’B—…ŽR, Isadarasen ˆΙΉ‘Κ—…ŽR, Kechirakasen β‘’n—Œ‰ήŽR, Sodarishanasen ‘h’B—œŽΙ“ίŽR, Ashibakanasen ŠzŽΌ”›γΉ[ŽR, Binatakasen ”ω“ίœ…‰ήŽR, Nimindarasen “ς–―’B—…ŽR and Tetsurinisen “S—ΦˆΝŽR. The seven oceans between the first eight mountains are called the "fragrant water oceans" or Kousuikai …ŠC, while the ocean between the eight and ninth mountains is called the "great salt-water ocean" or Daikan suikai ‘εκc…ŠC.


(C)2001 Japanese Architecture and Art Net Users System.@No reproduction or republication without written permission.