ko-ezu 古絵図
KEY WORD : art history / paintings
Old sketch maps of proprietary estates and temple precincts. The earliest examples are the maps preserved in the *Shousouin 正倉院 Repository in Nara, which include, The Drawing of the Precinct of Toudaiji, Toudaiji Sankaishishi-zu 東大寺山堺四至図 (756), and The Drawing Depicting the Reclaimed Land of Toudaiji, Toudaiji Kaiden-zu 東大寺開田図 at Michimori 道守 Village in Echizen 越前 (modern Fukui prefecture; 766). These ink drawings with light colors on hemp are often identified as the forerunners of realistic landscape painting. From the 13c, maps of temples and shrines were frequently depicted by professional artists in color on paper or silk. They became an object of worship and can be appreciated as works of art.


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