kakedo 掛戸
KEY WORD : architecture / tea houses
Lit. hanging door. A door hung on the outside of a window to prevent the penetration of rain and wind. It is really a removable hanging shutter that can be easily taken off when the weather is fine, or or propped open when light is needed in a tea ceremony room. It is constructed with thin Japanese cedar boards placed over a wooden frame and secured with split bamboo battens *oshibuchi 押縁. The ends of the top rail tsunogara 角柄, extend beyond the width of the shutter so that they can be slipped over bent nails inserted into the wall on either side of the window opening. Examples: Rokuonji 鹿苑寺 (Kinkakuji 金閣寺) Sekkatei 夕佳亭, Kyoto.


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