KEY WORD :@art history / sculptures
Sixteen. A noh mask *noumen ”\–Κ, representing the young Heike •½‰Ζ warrior Taira no Atsumori •½“֐· (1169-84), killed in the battle of Ichinotani ˆκ‚Μ’J at Suma {– bay. The teenager was fond of playing the flute. Sensitivity, bravery and youth are all apparent in the mask with its gentle eyes, blackened teeth, relaxed lips that almost smile and thin, unshaven eyebrows. Otherwise it follows the style of young men's masks, like *chuujou ’†« and *imawaka ‘Žα. Used for roles of young courtier-warriors in ATSUMORI “֐· and IKUTA ATSUMORI Ά“c“֐·. A fine example with full cheeks and high-set '”ͺ' shaped eyebrows is housed in the Tokyo National Museum. Similar, but with a more open expression is the mask atsumori, used as an alternative. Another similar mask, genji ŒΉŽ, can be used to represent the hero of the tenth-century novel, GENJI MONOGATARI ŒΉŽ•¨Œκ (The Tale of Genji), in GENJI KUYOU ŒΉŽ‹Ÿ—{ (A Mass for Prince Genji).


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